How Can Acupuncture Help Me?
Acupuncture has traditionally been used as a method of balancing the body’s energy by inserting needles under the skin at specific points along energy pathways (meridians), to prevent or cure diseases and/or disorders. The modern Western medical or ‘neuroanatomical’ acupuncture approach, however, recognizes that needles inserted at acupuncture points induce biochemical changes in the body, such as the release of pain relieving endorphins. A medical approach to acupuncture uses the therapist’s knowledge of anatomy and neuro-physiology in relation to your condition to guide the selection of points in contrast to the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach, which uses the meridian system.
Our physiotherapists have acupuncture training from the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute, a nationally recognized organization that trains already practicing health professionals in the area of acupuncture within their scope of practice. We only employ acupuncture to treat conditions that we would normally already treat using other physiotherapy approaches.
What is Acupuncture?
Developed in China, acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old system of medicine that is based upon principles of homeostasis and is commonly used for the treatment of pain and alleviation of symptoms.
At PhysioActive we practice Medical Acupuncture, the synthesis of Western Medical Science with this traditional Chinese practice. It involves the placement of very small needles in the body, often in various locations on the arms, legs and back.