Laser Therapy LEPT or Cold Laser or Photon Therapy
First developed over 30 years ago, phototherapy uses a specific type of light to penetrate the skin’s surface and underlying tissues to stimulate the body’s natural repair processes. The light energy – photons, is absorbed by the cells and are converted to complex biochemical substances that the cells and tissues use to eliminate pain and heal the tissues. The result is faster healing and reduced pain, swelling, and inflammation. While normal healing cause scar tissue formation, which results in further abnormal functioning, laser heals tissue without abnormal scar formation. This type of treatment has been used successfully to treat such issues as;
By providing the extra energy required for healing, the tissue is able to heal itself naturally. This innovative therapeutic alternative may also eliminate the need for painful, debilitating surgeries and drug therapies so often accompanied by harmful side effects.
As with all of our services, if you would like more detailed information, email us at or contact your chosen Physiotherapist directly.
Lasers have been clinically used for over 45 years and Health Canada approved the clinical application of lasers 15 years ago.
Over 5,000 scientific papers published on laser therapy, reports no side-effects. Laser therapy is completely safe (it emits no radiation), painless, non-invasive and non-toxic.
Check out this article on laser for the treatment of neuropathic pain.